
SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Opening MIT President, L. Rafael Reif
MIT Research Affiliate, Professor, Anita F. Hill
Institute Professor, Sheila Widnall
Wellesley College President, Paula Johnson

STEMing the Tide: How female experts and peers act as ‘social vaccines’ to protect young women’s self-concept in STEM: – April 11th 1-3pm –  Allen/Haus Conference Rooms – Building 36

Opening Anita F. Hill
Nilanjana Dasgupta


Navigating Careers in Engineering, Guest speakers:  March 28th 1-3pm – Allen/Haus Conference Rooms – Building 36

Opening Anita F. Hill
Professor Andrea Goldsmith
Professor Leslie Kolodziejski

The Marginalization of Experience: African American Women in STEM – February 28, 1-3pm – Allen/Haus Conference Rooms – Building 36

Opening Anita F. Hill
Evelynn M. Hammonds

Fulfilling the Promise of Title IX in STEM: Exploring the Roles University Leaders Play – November 15, 4-6pm – Building E51-115

Opening Anita F. Hill

Dr. Zorica Pantic, President of Wentworth Institute of Technology

Dr. Paula Hammond, David H. Koch Professor in Engineering and the Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr. Andrew G. Campbell, Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of Medical Science, Brown University

Coeducation at MIT in the 1950s–60s with an Epilog on the enduring bottleneck of women engineering faculty 

 October 25, 4-6pm – Building 10-250

Opening Anita F. Hill
Robert M. Gray

In the 1950s women made up 1 to 3% of the MIT student body, less than half that of 1897. A faculty committee produced a majority report that recommended that MIT cease admitting women, but President Killian and Provost Stratton instead accepted a minority report with the opposite recommendation: that MIT accept more women and improve their quality of life. This talk tells the story of three major players in this sea change: Dottie Bowe and Professors Kenneth Wadleigh and Emily Wick. A half century later,  nearly half of the students were women. The talk will conclude with a less optimistic appraisal of the stagnant number of women faculty in electrical engineering and computer science in the US.

The Future of Title IX – October 3, 4-6pm  – Building 50 – Walker Memorial
Opening Anita F. Hill
Catherine Lhamon
Deborah Slaner Larkin 
Fatima Goss Graves

A speaker series led by Anita Hill, The Gender/Race Imperative aims to revive awareness of the broad capacity of Title IX, the crucial law mandating equal education opportunities for women. We hope it will kick start inquiry to foster legal, policy, and social reforms that enable success in schools and workplaces for girls and women of all races and economic backgrounds. To engage and educate MIT and the broader Boston area community on the role of Title IX in education, particularly for STEM, MIT brings engineers and other scientists together in conversation with lawyers and social scientists to develop multidimensional strategies for promoting equity in STEM. In addition to lectures, there will be open panel programs that engage the audience as participants with presenters in responding to the gender and race disparities in STEM fields.