
Tue December 13, 2022 4:00 pm

CUA Seminar – Carsten Klempt: An excited-state phase diagram of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

Location:Harvard Jefferson 250
Carsten Klempt, University of Hannover
Ten Minute Talk:"Quantum Control of Trapped Polyatomic Molecules for eEDM Searches" by Loic Anderegg

At ultralow temperatures, quantum phases of a given many-body system can be identified by the measurement of an order parameter, which changes abruptly when an external control parameter is varied. Today, ultracold quantum many-body systems can also be prepared at non-zero energy and can be protected from the environment to suppress thermalization. For such systems, it is possible to define excited-state quantum phase transitions by a diverging density of states. However, an experimental mapping of a phase diagram of excited quantum states has not yet been demonstrated. In my talk, I will present the experimental determination of a quantum phase diagram where the energy of the system is one of the control parameters. The phase diagram, obtained with a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, presents an example how the extensive Hilbert state of quantum many-body systems can be structured by the definition and measurement of well-defined order parameters.

Furthermore, I will give an update on the generation of entanglement in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates and future applications for atom interferometry.

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