People: David E. Pritchard

Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics
  1. G. Jo, Y. Lee, J. Choi, C. Christensen, T. Kim, D. Pritchard, W. Ketterle, and J.H. Thywissen. Observation of itinerant ferromagnetism in a strongly interacting Fermi gas of ultracold atoms. Science, 325:1521, 2009.
  2. C. Christensen, S. Will, G. Jo, Y. Shin, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, and M. Saba. Trapping of Ultracold Atoms in a Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fiber. Phys. Rev. A, 78:033429, 2008.
  3. M. Boyd, P. Medley, G. Campbell, J. Mun, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, and E. W. Streed. Atom trapping with a thin magnetic film. Phys. Rev. A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), 76:043624-5, 2007.
  4. G. Jo, Y. Shin, S. Will, T. Pasquini, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, M. Saba, and Mukund Vengalattore. Long Phase Coherence Time and Number Squeezing of Two Bose-Einstein Condensates on an Atom Chip. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:30407, 2007.
  5. G. Jo, J. Choi, C. Christensen, Y. Lee, T. Pasquini, W. Ketterle, and D. Pritchard. Matter-Wave Interferometry with Phase Fluctuating Bose-Einstein Condensates. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:240406, 2007.
  6. J. Mun, P. Medley, G. Campbell, D. Pritchard, W. Ketterle, and L. G. Marcassa. Phase Diagram for a Bose-Einstein Condensate Moving in an Optical Lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:150604, 2007.
  7. G. Jo, J. Choi, C. Christensen, T. Pasquini, Y. Lee, W. Ketterle, and D. Pritchard. Phase-Sensitive Recombination of Two Bose-Einstein condensates on an Atom Chip. Phys. Rev. Lett., 98:180401, 2007.
  8. J. Mun, M. Boyd, G. Campbell, P. Medley, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, and E. W. Streed. Continuous and Pulsed Quantum Zeno Effect. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97:260402, 2006.
  9. T. Pasquini, G. Jo, Y. Shin, W. Ketterle, D. Pritchard, M. Saba, T. A. Savas, and N. Mulders. Low Velocity Quantum Reflection of Bose-Einstein Condensates. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97:093201, 2006.
Wed September 24, 2014

Study: Online classes really do work (Pritchard)

Wolfgang Ketterle, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics, was awarded a prize for graduate education for his courses 8.421 (Atomic and Optical Physics) and 8.422 (Atomic and Optical Physics II).
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Fri September 18, 2009

Magnetism observed in a gas for the first time

The 19th ICOLS conference takes place June 8-12 in Hokkaido, Japan, with CUA representation. Vladan Vuletic will report on a joint MIT-Harvard CUA experiment with Mikhail Lukin on switching of light with light using pulses containing only a few hundred photons. For a readable explanation of how to make light interact with light see the...
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