EECS/RLE Seminar Series on Optics and Quantum Electronics presents

Ronald Walsworth,
Harvard University & Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, March 11 / 11am / 36–428

I will provide an overview of nanoscale magnetic sensing and imaging using atom-like Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) quantum defects in diamond.
NV-diamond provides an unprecedented combination of magnetic field sensitivity and spatial resolution in a room-temperature solid due to the remarkable properties of NV centers, including long electronic spin coherence times, optical spin polarization and read-out, a large Zeeman shift of the spin transitions, and the robust physical properties of diamond in a wide variety of forms (bulk crystals, films, nanocrystals, etc.). Promising applications include sensing and quantum control of individual electron and nuclear spins, imaging of magnetic fields from biological cells under ambient conditions, and studies of magnetic materials of wide-ranging relevance from Earth science to condensed matter physics to brain science.

Ronald Walsworth leads an interdisciplinary research group with a focus on developing precision measurement tools and applying them to important problems in both the physical and life sciences, from atomic physics, astrophysics, and nanoscience to bioimaging, brain science, and medical diagnostics.  Current areas of research include: nanoscale magnetometry and spin physics with Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) quantum defects in diamond; the use of laser frequency combs as improved optical wavelength calibrators for astrophysics, with applications to the search for Earth-like exoplanets; tests of fundamental physical laws and symmetries using atomic clocks; super-resolution optical imaging for brain science and other bioimaging applications; and the development of novel NMR and MRI tools, with applications to basic spin physics and medical imaging

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Optics and Quantum Electronics Seminar Series