The 2022 Kobayashi Award was presented to Professor Muriel Médard at the opening session of IEEE INFOCOM 2022 (Tuesday 10am, May 3, 2022, US eastern time, virtual conference).

The IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award was established by the IEEE Board of Directors in 1986. The Award is named in honor of Dr. Koji Kobayashi, who was a leading force in advancing the integrated use of computers and communications.

Recipient selection is administered through the Technical Field Awards Council of the
IEEE Awards Board. Prof. Médard was chosen as the 2022 Kobayashi Award recipient “For contributions to the theory and practice of network coding, optical networks, and wireless communications.”

See the Spotlight on award recipient Muriel Médard here.

Spotlight on 2022 IEEE Koji Kobayashi Award Recipient