

We are always looking for highly-motivated students and postdocs to join the team. If you are interested in working together:

  • PhD: please consider applying to MIT EECS PhD program and indicate me as a preferred reader when submitting your application.
  • Meng, UROP, and SuperUROP: for MIT students, I recommend taking 6.3000 Signal Processing and/or 6.S045 Computational Imaging. I usually take on students from these courses. If you could not take these courses, please send your CV to help me understand your background. For students interested in summer internship positions, please send me an email with your CV and a statement to describe your past project highlights.
  • Postdoc:  please send me an email with your CV and a statement to describe your past project highlights.

    For more information and employment inquiries:


    Building 36-393
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    77 Massachusetts Avenue
    Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

    Visiting The Computational Biophotonics Lab