Making Waves with Microfluidics

Making Waves with Microfluidics

Joel Voldman engineers cutting-edge approaches to stem cell signaling, point of care therapeutics, and neuroengineering. « more » Related Links: Making Waves with Microfluidics (MIT ILP) Professor Joel Voldman Biological Microtechnology and...
Professors take lessons from online teaching

Professors take lessons from online teaching

David E. Pritchard has dedicated his life to physics, conducting pioneering work in atom optics and mentoring Nobel Prize winners at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But now Pritchard, whose aviator glasses and flyaway gray hair give him the look of the...
Solving a semiconductor riddle

Solving a semiconductor riddle

New observations of material disprove leading theory about LED brightness, opening new avenues for research. « more » Related Links: Solving a semiconductor riddle MIT-Harvard Center for Excitonics