The primary focus of Prof. Zahn’s research group is the development of theory and applications that combine electromagnetism and other disciplines. Examples of the research include:

  • Smart electric and magnetic liquids (electrohydrodynamics and ferrohydrodynamics respectively) for microfluidic, biomedical and even oil spill disaster recovery
  • Using nanoparticle technology to improve high-voltage performance of electric power apparatus;
  • Modeling of electrical streamer initiation and propagation leading to electrical breakdown;
  • Kerr electro-optic field and space charge mapping measurements in high-voltage stressed materials;
  • Development of model-based interdigital dielectrometry and magnetometry sensors for measurement of dielectric permittivity, electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, and volume charge in flowing liquids, with applications to nondestructive testing and evaluation measurements and for the identification of metal, low-metal content, and dielectric landmines and unexploded ordnance.


Streamer Breakdown Mechanisms in Liquid Dielectrics
Breakdown Voltage Evaluation without Breakdown in Transformer Oil using Kerr Electro-Optic Field Mapping Measurements
Permanent Magnet Configurations for Oil Spill Recovery

The group is led by Professor Markus Zahn

Visit the group’s website