2–3.30pm Friday, February 13, 2015
MIT Building 35 Room 225
Fostering a legacy of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, best known for his inventions of modern electro-energetic system of production, long distance transmission and usage of electrical currents, was also dedicated to peacebuilding and sustainability. United Nations agency for education, science, and culture (UNESCO), had inscribed Nikola Tesla’s archive in the UNESCO Memory of the World register in 2003. UNESCO describes Tesla as “… an inventor and scientist, a pioneer in electrification, (who) significantly influenced the technological development of our civilization by his polyphase system inventions,” as well as “one of the first to become aware of the emerging energy problem.” Tesla Memory Project and Sorbonne University UNESCO Club, together with following panelists, are exploring the uncharted legacy of Nikola Tesla.
Guest speakers:
- Aleksandar Protic: Federal Counselor, UNESCO Federation of France; Director, Tesla Memory Project; Scientific Director, Tesla Global Forum
- Zorica Civric: Electrical engineer; Senior Curator and Chief of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade Museum of Science and Technology
- Srdjan Pavlovic: Electrical engineer; IT expert; Associate Director Tesla Memory Project; President, Tesla cross-cultural Forum, Frankfurt
- Matthew Fisher: Robotics and artificial intelligence leading innovator; founder and Chief Technology Officer, KumoTek Robotics
MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms
Vladan Vuletic, vuletic@mit.edu