Space Requests

Requesting additional space in RLE


Space Request Guidelines

RLE recognizes the importance of space as a valuable asset in the overall management of the Laboratory. The Laboratory’s view is that office space is for people and laboratory space is for equipment. Off-site storage should be arranged for archival data, materials and decommissioned equipment. New space is not guaranteed and generally cannot be provided for visitors, research affiliates and contractors/consultants. Using these fundamentals, the following criteria will be considered for the purposes of addressing requests for additional space:

  • How many staff and students is the PI supervising?
    The definition of a student is an individual at the minimum of the Master’s degree level. UROPs will not be considered. Staff includes research and administrative support staff.
  • Is the PI’s research volume and/or program growing to the point where space expansion is needed to meet sponsor commitments?
  • How much space is currently assigned to the PI in comparison to his or her peers?

Allocation “Norms”

  • Standard office for students:
    In 26 — Single bay with up to 3 students
    In 36 — Single office with up to 3 students

Please keep in mind: Your request should be submitted with a minimum of 30 days advance notice. Please remember that space is finite. In order for one PI to be assigned more space, another PI may be facing a reduction in space, so as much advance notice as possible is appreciated.

Complete the following fields (all fields are required) and then hit the “Submit” button.

    Your Name

    Your Email

    PI Name (Principal Investigator/Supervisor)

    Space Type

    Footage Requested

    Description of why the space is needed 

    Date Needed

    Length of time space is needed 

    Please enter the captcha code below so we know you aren’t a robot 

