Environmental Health and Safety
This page will walk you through some of the Environmental Health and Safety items that you will need to know, as you become a new member of the RLE community.
Key/Card Door Access for RLE Space in Buildings
10, N10, 26, 36, 38 & 39
BLDG 3 – Contact EHS Coordinator: Dan Herrick (herrickd@mit.edu)
BLDG 8 – Visit DMSE Safety Page
BLDG 13 – Print out lab access form below and once completed bring to Lars Llorente (llorente@mit.edu)
BLDG 31 – Contact EHS Coordinator: Dan Herrick (herrickd@mit.edu)
BLDG NE 47 – Visit BE Safety Page https://be-ehs.mit.edu/
One of the first things you will want to do is get access to your office and lab areas. Please complete the Key/Card Access Authorization Form to get the key and card access that you need. Depending on the space that you are requesting access for and your appointment type, there will be some training that is required before your access will be granted.
- PI Affiliation & Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
Training is required by the Institute before beginning work with any potentially hazardous materials or activities in a laboratory at MIT. All PIs, graduate students, UROP students, postdocs, visiting scientists, and other researchers working in a laboratory must complete a Training Needs Assessment (TNA). Upon completion, training requirements will be generated based on your activities. Many courses are available both online and in person. Lab-specific training is provided by your PI or EHS rep. If you have any questions about your training, please contact either your EHS rep or Marie Gentile (8–7599).
Please be advised that you should redo your TNA whenever your work description changes or your PI affiliation changes. This would include removing things that you no longer do. If no changes to your work have occurred, it is still best practice to redo your TNA annually as over time, additional courses are being added.
Link to Training Needs Assessment
Click here if you need help with your Training Needs Assessment.
- Emergency Preparedness
Everyone working at MIT should feel comfortable with his or her knowledge of what to do in case there is a fire or other emergency. There are many campus wide services as well as department specific procedures that should help to increase your level of comfort. At RLE we think that this information should be provided as soon as possible. Emergency Preparedness is part of our onboarding process to let new members know that we care about their safety and that we have planned for these difficult situations.
Please watch this Emergency Preparedness Presentation that will walk you through many of these situations and the procedures that will be set in motion. All new members to the RLE community will be required to watch this presentation prior to getting key/card door access to labs or offices.
- Lab Specific Training
Anyone working in a laboratory where hazards are present must complete Lab-Specific Safety Training upon joining the group and then receive an annual refresher training thereafter. This training is usually given by the lab’s EHS Representative or PI and focuses on specific conditions and hazards within each laboratory. Please contact your EHS Rep to ensure you complete this important requirement. For new members to the RLE community, you will need to complete this training prior to getting key/card door access to labs.
Please contact Marie Gentile should you need assistance completing this requirement. When completed, please sign this form and return to Marie Gentile in 36–472A or drop off in his RLE headquarters mailbox (36–413). Credit for new members will not be given until a completed, signed training checklist has been received.
For more information about EHS related topics please visit the RLE EHS Webpage at https://www.rle.mit.edu/services/ehs/. This page will highlight other areas such as chemical and laser hazards as well as provide links to valuable resources.
If you have any EHS related questions please reach out to the EHS Coordinator, Marie Gentile