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David Zhitomirsky, Eugene Cho, Jeffrey C. Grossman

DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201502006

Closed cycle systems offer an opportunity for solar energy harvesting and storage all within the same material. Photon energy is stored within the chemical conformations of molecules and is retrieved by a triggered release in the form of heat. Until now, such solar thermal fuels (STFs) have been largely unavailable in the solid-state, which would enable them to be utilized for a multitude of applications. A polymer STF storage platform is synthesized employing STFs in the solid-state. This approach enables uniform films capable of appreciable heat storage of up to 30 Wh kg−1 and that can withstand temperature of up to 180 °C. For the first time a macroscopic energy release is demonstrated using spatial infrared heat maps with up to a 10 °C temperature change. These findings pave the way for developing highly efficient and high energy density STFs for applications in the solid-state.

Related Links:

Solid-State Solar Thermal Fuels for Heat Release Applications (Advanced Energy Materials)

A new way to store solar heat (MIT News)

Professor Jeffrey Grossman

Grossman Group