New law for superconductors

New law for superconductors

Mathematical description of relationship between thickness, temperature, and resistivity could spur advances. « more » Related Links: New law for superconductors (MIT News) Professor Karl K. Berggren Quantum Nanostructures and Nanofabrication...
Superconducting circuits, simplified

Superconducting circuits, simplified

New circuit design could unlock the power of experimental superconducting computer chips. « more » Related Links: Superconducting circuits, simplified (MIT News) Professor Karl Berggren Quantum Nanostructures and Nanofabrication...
EECS lauds its faculty leadership

EECS lauds its faculty leadership

New co-education and undergraduate laboratories officers welcomed. Karl Berggren included in incoming leaders. « more » Related Links: EECS lauds its faculty leadership (MIT News) Professor...