Jing Kong

Jing  Kong

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

77 Massachusetts Avenue
Room 13-3065
Cambridge, MA 02139


Administrative Assistant

Arlene Wint

Jing Kong received her B.S degree in Chemistry from Peking University, Beijing, China in 1997 and PhD degree in Chemistry from Stanford University in the United States, 2002. In 2004, she joined the faculty at MIT, where she is currently Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. She has worked in the field of carbon nanotubes since 1997 and has published numerous papers on this subject. In MIT, this research has led to the synthesis of related nanostructures such as graphene and later graphene-like two dimensional materials. The current research activity in her group involves CVD synthesis, characterization of these low dimensional materials, investigation of their electronic and optical properties and developing their applications.


carbon nanotubes, nanotube electronic devices, semiconductor nanowires, organic molecules, chemical sensors, electron transport, one-dimensional interacting systems, chemical vapor deposition methods, quantum transport phenomena