Welcome to MIT's Electrochemical Energy Laboratory

Energy conversion and storage technologies from renewable sources

Our research programs are centered on understanding the electronic structures of surfaces, with emphasis on metal oxides, searching for descriptors of catalytic activity, surface/interface reactivity and ion transport, and applying fundamental understanding to design materials for oxygen electrocatalysis, CO2 reduction, ion intercalation and ion conductors, in electrochemical/photoelectrochemical energy conversion and storage, including lithium-ion, flow and metal-air batteries, proton exchange membrane and solid oxide fuel cells.

Our programs include extensive experimental components including synthesis of well-defined surfaces and nanostructured materials, and investigation of processes at the surfaces/interfaces using electrochemical methods coupled with ex situ and in situ X-ray-based and electron-based spectroscopy. These experimental components are used in conjunction with Density Functional Theory computation efforts to develop new, physically based reaction mechanisms and design principles of materials.

Updates about our group members

Updates about our publications

EEL Work Schedule

We hold group and subgroup meetings and you should expect to attend regular one-on-one meetings where we discuss progress towards our research goals. You may be asked to present results at meetings. If pressed by a deadline, we may also need to occasionally organize a meeting outside regular hours.